Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Den Chiefs: Your Heroes

Den Chiefs are an underused part of the scouting program.  They need to be a registered and "experienced Boy Scout, ideally First Class or above Varsity Scout, or Venturer". Cub Scout Leader Book, pg 65.  Generally 13 years old is a good age to start.  They are assigned to a den and are there to serve as a helper, role model, and friend to the scouts.  

They can help set up and take down; teach basic skills, games, songs, skits, etc.; be an example of a good scout and a friend to the cubs; take part in den meetings; be the activities assistant; and help the boys achieve the cub scout aims and purposes.  They DO NOT punish scouts or plan full den meetings

To best use your den chiefs, meet with them before and/or after each meeting and review the meeting.  Sometimes they see things that den leaders don't.  Talk about how things went.  Then give specific assignments for the next den or pack meeting.   For example, "John, next week can you prepare a gathering activity for the boys?  We will also have a craft project, so if you can set out these papers and markers while I explain that would be awesome.  Finally, the boys need to run through our skit for pack meeting.  Can you help them while I check off books? "  

They are there to help, be a good example, and encourage the boys to continue in scouting.  If you do not have a den chief, they are "selected by the senior patrol leader and Scoutmaster, Varsity Scout Coach, or Venturing Advisor at the request of the Cubmaster." Cub Scout Leader Book, pg 65 They are then approved by the Cubmaster and pack committee.   

They do need to complete Den Chief Training.  This can be done online or, preferrably, through the District Training.  There will be a den chief training as part of the Council Cub Pow Wow on August 24.  The next District sponsored one will be held in November.  Check the Training page on this blog for more information.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to comment or contact Melissa Graham with any questions.

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