Friday, January 18, 2013

Book Report

The August Cubscout Leader POW WOW book is now available for purchase on Amazon for $15.

Utah National Parks Council 2012-2013 Pow Wow Book (Utah National Parks Council Pow Wow Book)

You can go down to the Scout office and pick on up for $12.00

It's a great book for any Cub Scout Leader.  It has all kinds of information, from ideas for den meetings, to skits, crafts, run-ons, jokes, games, you name it it's there.  

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Flag Ceremonies

I love to teach the boys respect for the flag!  Here are some fun den flag ceremonies that can also be used in a pack setting.

Suggested Den Flag Ceremonies

1.  Scouts salute the flag and repeat the Pledge of Allegiance
2.   Have two scouts parade the U.S. flag and the den flag past a line of scouts who stand at attention and             salute. Repeat the Pledge.
3.  Plan a ceremony on the history of the flag.  Each boy in the den can make and color a paper flag or pirnt flags to represent flags from an earlier period.  End with the Pledge of Allegiance.
4.  Have the scouts march past a posted flag and then give the proper salute.
5.  Form the den in a horseshoe with the U.S. flag in front of the horseshoe.  Each scout in turn steps forward, salutes the flag, and steps back in formation.  When all have finished the den gives the Pledge of Allegiance. Cub scout promise or law may also be said.
6.  Line up the den in a single line.  Bring the scouts to attention, turn out all lights.  Spotlight the U.S. flag with a flashlight, have a scout read the first verse of "The Star-Spangled Banner," "America the Beautiful" or other patriotic song.
7.  Face the flag in unison and sing a verse from a patriotic song.
8.  Form a circle around the flag with scouts grasping the flag pole with their left hands.  Give the cub scout sign with the right hand and repat the cub scout promise or law of the pack. Release L hand hold to salute and repeat the Pledge of Allegiance.
9.  Webelos can incorporate the Scout Oath and the Scout Law into these ceremonies.
10.  Cub scouts stand at attention while leader reads Red Skelton's Commentary on the Pledge of Allegiance.  The boys then salute and Pledge Allegiance to the flag.  (Patriotic background music enhances this ceremony well.

Sources: Flag Code adopted by the National Flag Conferences of 192 and 1924, The Boy Scout Handbook, The American Patriot's Handbook, Webelos Book , Den Chief Handbook. "How to Respect and Display Our Flag" printed by the U.S. Marine Corp.

*** Red Skelton's commentary on the pledge can be found on-line at the following location which includes an audio by comedian red skelton:

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Meet Our Staff

Our staff is one fun group, which is just how Cub Scouts is meant to be! Here are some silly pictures we took at our Planning Meeting!
Top Left: Angela. That's Me! District Cub Roundtable Commissioner
Top Right: Debbie.  One crazy lady with a dramatic and whimsical flair, Assistant District Cub Roundtable Commissioner and Co-Teacher for Cubmaster Breakout.
Bottom Left: Heather. My Secretary (because she's organized, and I lose everything!), one crazy lady that keeps things fun and moving, and Co-Teacher for Beginning Den Leader Breakout Class.
Middle:  Janelle.  This one's a thinking generator with a sense of humor and propriety, and Co-Teacher for Intermediate Den Leader Breakout Class.
Bottom Right: Kerri Sutton.  She's the one that keeps us rolling with laughter as she writes our Core Value and Theme Introduction skits, gives us her Book Reports, and Teaches Committee Breakout Class.

Left: Tamara. New volunteer with lots of experience and good ideas and Co-Teacher with Janelle for the Intermediate Den Leader Breakout.
Right:  Oh - There's Debbie, again!
Not Shown:  Kirsten -Tons of ideas, tons of experience, tons of laughter.  Witty, that one is!  District Cub and Webelos Camp Co-Director.; AmyJo - Tons of scouting spirit, very knowledgeable with tons of experience, Co-Teacher for Beginning Den Leader Breakout; Lizzette - Lotsa fun, sociable, happy, a great Webelos leader at home, and Co-Webelos Breakout Teacher.

Left: Scott.  Quite a character, totally reliable, keeps your attention, amazing whittler, and Co-Teacher for Cubmaster Breakout.
Right: Chad.  Another character, quiet until he starts talking!, knows what he's doing, and Webelos Breakout Teacher.

Each one of us loves the Boy Scout and Cub Scout program and what it teaches, and we LOVE to laugh, party, and find the fun!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Jan 2012: Abracadabra!

Our staff's interpretation of "Abracadabra" was inspired by the movie series Harry Potter.

We set up our Roundtable common room to resemble the Great Hall at Hogwarts, with 4 rows of tables running front to back of the room and banners up front for each house, and the staff dressed up like wizard professors -- some known and named, and some made up. 

We had 5 classes for breakout:
The den leaders who had been in their position less than 5 months attended Muggle Studies, where they learned how to use their Den & Pack Resource Book.

Everybody who was not a new den leader got to pick their class.  Here are handouts from two of the classes:

Quidditch for Muggle Cubs:  HANDOUT FOR GAME


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Planning the BIG Blue & Gold "Banquet"

New and don't know where to start in planning the anticipated Blue & Gold Banquet in February?  On THIS DOCUMENT you will find the first step, options to consider, food portions, and lots of ideas for themes. I suggest your committee starts planning this big event soon after November's Roundtable!

Adult Appreciation Awards

For those who help your DEN or PACK
Not just for Blue & Gold.
(Found in GSLC Cub Scout Pow Wow 2012 book)

It's nice to be sure that every person in cubs gets an award at the Blue & Gold Banquet, including the adults who serve in Cub Scouts.  However, it is best to also include at least one appreciating award at every pack meeting.

"Everyone deserves to be recognized no matter how large or small the contribution. When people feel appreciated they are more likely to help in the future. It makes them feel important and that they matter!

When saying thank you to someone, be sure to be specific in the thanks and pinpoint what and how they helped you the most. Saying thanks in a traditional way is always better than not at all, but if you want to express your thanks in a more unique or silly way, it may be a bit more memorable for the recipient."

Here are two lists I have found of ways to say "thank you".
    Appreciation 101
    Appreciation 102