Video from class
Tips for Great Scout Cheers
1. Keep them short and fun.
2. Never have a cheer that could hurt someone's feelings.
3. Do not use cheers to actually belittle.
4. Use cue cards and scripts if you need to. Rehearse until everyone is comfortable and has memorized their parts.
5. Speak loudly and clearly.
6. Avoid gross, vulgar, or un-Scout-like topics or content.
7. Keep your program fast paced and get everyone involved!
Almost: With hands far apart, bring them rapidly together but miss just before meeting each other. Archery: Shoot arrow and shout "BULLS EYE."
Artillery: Begin slowly with the flats of your palms and increase in speed: then slow down until finally the last time the hands are not brought together.
Astronaut Applause I: Countdown, 10 .... 1!! BLASTOFF!
Astronaut Applause II: Use your hand to make a rocket blasting off, then yell, "You're out of this world!"
Avon Lady Cheer: "Dinnnnng! Donnnng!"
Balloon Applause: Make a fist. Put the thumb in your mouth and blow. Slowly open fingers to resemble an enlarging balloon. Then flip out hand yelling "Pop!" or "Bang!"
Barber: Alternating, strike the back, then the palm of one hand against the palm of the other as though sharpening a razor on a strap.
Barbershop Applause: Clap hands as a barber strops his razor, first by rubbing your palms together, then stroking the back of your right hand across your left palm. Don't forget the barber's
flourishes and, finally the first downward stroke on your face accompanied by a harsh, scraping noise
Baseball Cheer I: "Back, Back, Back, It's out of here! Home run!"
Baseball Cheer II: Pretend to hit the ball, then yell, "Going, going, GONE! Grand slam!"
Bee Cheer: "Bzzzzzzzz, Bzzzzzzz, OUCH!"
Beehive Cheer: Buzz gets louder or softer when leader's hand is high or low.
Bear Cheer: "Grrrrrr!"
Big Hand: Leader says, "let's give them a big hand" everybody holds up one hand, palm out.
Big Sneeze: Cup hands in front of nose and sneeze in hands. Having nowhere to put it, wipe your hands in your hair.
Big Thumb: Hold your arm out in front of your body, double your fist with the thumb held up.
Bikini: Clap only your thumb and pointer finger (because there is not much to it)
Blast-off: Start counting backwards from 10 to 1. Bend the knees a little more on each count until you are in a squatting position. Then, while saying, "BLAST OFF!", jump straight up in the air.
Boat Applause: Make motion of rowing boat repeating heave ho. Then sight land and shout LAND AHOY!
Booger: Flick pointer with thumb.
Bravo I: Spell out the letters B R A V O O O Then yell together BRAVO (When given as a cheer, it is traditional for the people being cheered to reply in the same way, and try to be louder than the group who cheered them. Cheers, Yells, and Applauses)
Bravo II: (For an excellent performance!) The cheer leader says: "That deserves a Bravo ! We'll do this in a circle." He then proceeds to have one end of the circle start with the 'BRR' sound and proceeds to point around the circle while they do the 'AVOOOO' sound. The sound level should rise as more of the circle comes in.
Bravo Bravissimo: This is actually a sung cheer. The words are:
Brav-o! Brav-o! Brav-o! Brav-iss-im-o!
Brav-o! Brav-o! Ver-y well done!
Brav-o! Brav-iss-im-o!
Brav-o! Brav-iss-im-o!
Brav-o! Brav-iss-im-o!
Ver-y well done!
Broken Arm: Hold arm by elbow and swing wildly.
Broken Trolley: Pull the bell rope as if ringing a bell, saying "Clunk, clunk, clunk!"
Butterfly with Hiccups: Snap finger as hands flutter around.
Cactus Cheer: Raise both hands near your head and say "Yucka, Yucka, Yucka."
Can of Applause (or Canned Laughter): Leader opens and closes imaginary can. Cheer and applaud as cover is removed from can and become quiet as lid is replaced.
Canary Applause (2000 lb): Put hands on opposite shoulders, while opening and closing elbows, say, "Here, kitty, kitty."
Car Applause: Make motion of turning key in ignition and sound of revving up engine. End with screech for brakes. (Step on brakes)
Carpenter: Pretend to be holding a hammer in one hand and a nail in the other. Start pounding the nail with the hammer while saying, "Bang, Bang, Ouch".
Cat cheer: "MeeeeOOOOW!!!"
Chef's Applause: Take a big spoonful of food, taste it, rub your tummy and sigh "Delicious!"
Cherry: Pick a cherry, roll in your mouth, then spit the pit out with a loud "P-TUU."
Chinese: How! How! How! Phooey, Phooey, Phooey.
Chinese Bow: Stand, fold your arms, bow from the waist while saying, "Ah Phooey."
Christmas Bells: Pretend to hold a bell rope, then get the left side of the audience to say "DING" on the down-stroke and the other side of the audience to say "DONG" on the upstroke. Repeat three times.
Clam: Fold hands together, interlocking fingers. Make noise by pressing palms together.
Class A: Clap rapidly in the following rhythm: 1-2-3-4, 1-2, 1-2, 1-2-3-4, 1-2, 1-2, 1-2-3-4...(pause)..One big clap.
Class B: Just like the Class A except that on the last clap, you come back with your hands and make one big clap.
Class C: Just like the class B except that after missing the clap, you come back with your hands and make one big clap.
Clown Applause: Hold fingers at both comers of mouth, pull mouth up into a smile and say "Smile, everybody, smile."
Coo Coo: Everyone nod their heads up and down and say: "COO-COO" as many times as you tell them, as if you were striking the hour.
Cookie Clap: Everyone takes a big bowl in their arms. In bowl, dump ingredients to make cookies, such as: flour, sugar, salt, chocolate chips and dill pickles (have the boys tell out the ingredients and you'll get some odd cookies). After the ingredients are in the bowl, you take a big spoon and with stirring motion yell "Crummy, Crummy, Crummy".
Cow Cheer: "MOOOOO!!!"
Cowboy Cheer: Twirl lasso. Yell: "Yeeee Haaaw!!!"
Coyote Cheer: ""YIP, YIP, YIPEEEE!!!!!"!!!"
Cub Cheer: Call out in unison ONE TWO THREE WOOF
When given as a cheer, it is traditional for the people being cheered to reply in the same way, and try to be louder than the group who cheered them.
Cub Boots:
Cub boots are big
So when Cubs jump
Cubs' big boots
Call out in unison, jumping noisily in time with the THUMP. Not recommended indoors, especially in upstairs rooms!
Cubby Applause: Leader yells "What's the best den?" and all dens respond with their number.
Deep-Sea Diver Cheer: Hold one hand over head, puff out cheeks and say "blub, blub, blub"
Den Leader Cheer: Shout
"C'mon Gold! C'mon Blue! C'mon Cubs! C'mon Through.
Chow! Chow! Bow! Wow! (Den Leader's name) Wow! Wow!"
Doctor's Cheer: Open up, tongues out, everyone say "Aaaaaah!"
Dog Cheer: "Woof, woof, woof!"
Drum Roll: Pat knees soft then loud, then one last pat.
Duck Call: Make a duck call by making a circle with thumb & index finger. Blow like a trumpet.
Easy Duck Call: Make a duck call as above but instead yell, "Here duck! Here duck!"
Dynamite: Light fuse, "Sssssssssssssss, BOOM!"
Eagle: Lock thumbs and flutter fingers like wing and shout "Cree, cree!"
Eskimo: Hold your shoulders, shiver, say "Brrrrr-rrr, Brrrrr-rrr"
Ferris Wheel: Like Round of Applause but also say "Ooooh" on the way up, "Aaaah" on the way down.
Fire Engine: Divide the group into four sections:
(1) Rings the bell fast, DING;
(2) Honks the horn, HONK, HONK, HONK;
(3) Sounds the siren, Rrrr, Rrrr, Rrrr;
(4) Clangs the clanger, CLANG, CLANG, CLANG.
Have all four groups do their parts together.
Fireman Yell: Water, Water, Water! More, More, More!
Fireworks Cheer: Look up at the ceiling and say "OOOOOH!" "AHHHHH!"
Fisherman Cheer: Pretend to reel out some line, let it drift, yank your pretend pole back and start to reel in the fish. Struggle with it for a short time and say: "I've Got It!!! I've Got It!!!"
Flat Tire Cheer: Say “Flop, flop, flop, where's the spare?“
Flea Clap: Have everyone raise his hands above his head. Applaud by clicking the nails of the thumb and forefinger of each hand.
Food Cheer: "Yuuuummm!"
Variation: Rub stomach and say: "Yum, Yum!"
Football: Signal a touchdown and yell "Touchdown!"
Fred Flintstone Cheer: "Yabba-dabba-doo".
Frog Cheer: Crouch down. Jump Up."Ribbit! Ribbit!"
Ghost, fast: "Boo!"
Ghost, scary: Stand, hands up: "Whooooooooo."
Ghost, sweet: Hold up hands as if to scare someone and say 'WHOOOOO-YOU! YOU WERE GREAT!'
Giant Beehive: Tell the group to buzz like a bee. When your hand is raised, the volume should increase. When you lower your hand the volume should decrease. Practice this at various levels.
Good Turn: Stand, clap as you turn in one full circle.
Grand: Everyone is sitting down in their chairs. All stomp their feet three times loudly, then slap
leg three times, then clap hands 3 times. Then stand up all together and shout "Ra, Ra, Ra!"
Handkerchief: Tell the group that they are supposed to applaud as long as the handkerchief you are about to throw is in the air, when it hits the floor to stop applauding.
Variation: Catch the handkerchief instead of letting it drop. Vary the applauding by using short throws, long throws, throwing to someone in the audience etc. Hay Straw: Divide the group into two sections, tell one group that when you point to them they are to yell, "HAY". Tell the other section they are to yell, "STRAW" !!! Vary the speed in which you point to the different groups. Variation: When the leader yells hay or straw, the group responds with the opposite word.
Homerun cheer: "Back...Back...Back...HOMERUN!
Variation: Simulate swinging a bat at a ball, shade your eyes with your hand and yell (loud) "There She goes!"
Ice Cube cheer: Shape an ice cube with a thumb and index finger, saying, "COOOOOOOL!"
Jackhammer Applause: Hold jackhammer with both hands and begin using it. “Bap-bap-bap-
Jet flying: "ZOOOOOM"
Jet flying backwards: "MOOOOOZ!"
Ketchup Bottle Cheer: Hold bottle in one hand and slap with other hand to get ketchup out.
Variation: Pound your clenched fist with your open palm.
Lumberjack: Pretend to cut a tree with a saw while saying, "Zuba,Z-zub z-zuba. Then yell "Timber." (also see Wood-Chopper's applause below)
Lion Tamer Applause: Pretend to have a whip and a chair, hold your chair with one hand and the whip in the other, pretend to crack the whip and lunge at the lion with the chair, yelling: "Back Simba, back!! Back Simba! ! Back!! Back! !"
Magician's Cheer: Have group pretend to take off top hat, reach into the hat with the free hand and pretend to pull out a rabbit, as they say:"Taaa Daaa!"
Milking the Cow: Need two people for this one; First person's arms out in front, fingers interlocked and thumbs down. Second person comes and takes a thumb in each hand and does the motion of milking a cow.
Miss America (or Spice Girls): Swing and pat hips "Hip, Hip", wave hand "Hooray!"
Mosquito Cheer: Slap face, neck, shoulders, etc. saying "Ouch, ooch, ow!"
Motorcycle Cheer: Hold your hands like you're gripping handlebars. Raise a foot and kick downward 3 times while making a sputtering sound. On the third try, the engine starts with a “Varoom."
New Person Applause: "Hi there, welcome, welcome, welcome!"
One hand cheer: Leader: "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" Everyone claps one hand.
Over Eater's Applause: Looking uncomfortable, rub stomach and slowly say "I can't believe I ate the whooole thing."
Pack Cheer: Yell in unison "Clap your hands" (clap 5 times) " Stomp your feet" (Stomp 5 times) then shout "Pack ____cannot be beat!"
Personal Cheer: Stamp feet three times, then shout the individual s name.
Photographer's cheer: Pretend to take their picture. "Everyone smile. Say Cheeese!"
Pig Cheer: Suueeee, Pig! Pig! Pig!
Pinky: Applause with little fingers only.
Planer (Wood Planer) Applause: Hold imaginary wood planer in hands and plane the wood to the sound of ”zzzziiiiiippp!”
Policeman's Applause: Make a high-pitched siren sound while turning your head side to side like a rotating light.
Politician's Cheer: Pat yourself on the back.
Popcorn Cheer: "Pop! . . . Pop! . . Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!"
Rain Bird Sprinkler: Swing head from one side to another making methodic "Tsh, tsh, tsh" sounds, then repeat in the opposite direction, but faster.
Rainstorm Cheer I: To simulate rain, have everyone pat one finger of the left hand and one finger of the right hand. Gradually increase the intensity of the storm by increasing the fingers hitting together.
Decrease the number of fingers as the storm passes.
Rainstorm Cheer II: Start clapping with one finger against opposite palm, then 2, 3, 4, 5, and reverse, ending with one finger again
Variation: At the loudest point, add a clap for thunder once or twice, before decreasing.
Rainstorm Cheer III: Start by gently patting knees alternately to simulate light rain. Increase the noise by switching to hand clapping as the storm reaches it height. With a hand signal, have everyone shout, "boom!" to represent thunder. Gradually decrease the hand clapping and then pat the knees as the storm subsides.
Relay Clap: First person claps second person's hand and then relay it on through all of the Cubs.
Reverse Applause: Move hands away from each other.
Roller Coaster Cheer: Hold onto bar, tip back, say "Click,click, click, click, click, WHEEEEEE!"
Round of Applause: While clapping hands, move them around in a circle in front of you.
Seal of Approval: Put your thumbs in your armpits, then move arms up and down like a seal moving its flippers and say "Arf, Arf, Arf" (or "Ort, Ort, Ort") several times.
Variation: Pretend you are balancing a ball on the end of your nose.
Seal: Extend arms, cross hands at the wrist and flap hands several times.
Silent Yell: Everyone stands and open their mouths and screams without making any sound.
Six Shooter Cheer: Point imaginary gun in air and say "BANG!" six times. Blow on finger to cool off the barrel put in holster.
Sky Rocket: Make a motion of striking a match on your pants, lean over to light your rocket. Make a "SH, SH, SH" sound, point from the floor to the sky as if you were following it in flight with your finger. CLAP hands and say "BOOM" spread arms wide and say "AH____AH____AH".
Smashed Thumb: Pretend to hammer a nail in a board and saying "Bang, bang, ouch!"
Spider: Walk all four fingers of one hand up the other arm while head is turned away. Look toward the spider, and say, "Eeeek, a big black hairy spider!"
Standing "O": Stand, form a big "O" with arms over-head and shout "Ooooooooh"
Supersonic Cheer: Wave arms; pretend to cheer. Sit down wait a moment, then make sounds.
Surgeon's Cheer: Right Side of room: "Scalpel!" Left Side: "Sponge!" Back: "Oops!" Go faster & faster.
The One You Never Heard: Fake a clap but miss at the last moment
Theater Cheer: "Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!"
Thunderstorm Cheer: Pat knees soft them loud, then yell "Booom"
Tiger call: Quietly: "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty." "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty."
Tonto: Leader says "Where does Tonto take his trash?" The audience yells in reply, "To de dump, to de dump, to de dump dump dump," to the rhythm of a running horse in a sing-song manner while clapping hands on thighs. (Like Lone Ranger)
Tony the Tiger cheer: "They're Greeeeeat!"
Train Applause: Tap hand going up arm saying “ CHOO CHOO” louder and louder 'till reaching shoulder then make sound of blowing whistle. WHOO WHOO
Two-Handed Saw: Everyone pairs off into two's. Each pair sticks their hands out with their thumbs up. Alternately grab each other's thumbs until all four hands are each holding a thumb. Move arms
and hands back and forth as if sawing.
Typewriter: Punch keys on typewriter, then return carriage with a "ching!"
Upper Hand: Stand on your toes, holding your hands straight over your head to applause.
Waiter Applause: Have group look around as if looking for someone, hold their right hand up and snap their fingers and say: "Waiter! ! Waiter! ! Waiter! !"
Water Sprinkler: Make fist with the right hand with thumb sticking out. Place end of thumb on end of nose. Rapidly open and close fist while saying "Choo, choo, choo, choo," etc. sounding like a water sprinkler and turning around as you go. After a complete turn spin back around the opposite direction, again like a water sprinkler, saying "Wheeee." Alternative: Move outstretched arm in a circle: "Choo, Choo, Choo, etc." Swing back "Whee!" (See also "Rain Bird Cheer" above)
Watermelon: Hold a big slice in both hands, suck up from one end to the other, spit out the seeds.
Wave: As done at sports, stand, raise hand and cheer then sit as a wave around the room.
Wave of applause: Lie Wave, but clap on your turn.
Whip: Pretend to snap a whip and say "Yhaw, Yhaw."
Wild Man: Wave your hands, shake your head and make a loud, "A-U-G-G-H."
Wolf Cheer: Wolf howl: "Wooooooooooooooooooo!"
Woodcutter's Applause: Nod your heads, as if asleep, and start cutting the zzz's.
Wood-chopper's Applause: Have group get out their pretend ax and make sure it's sharp, swing at their pretend tree, saying: "Chip, Chop, chip, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop" then
stand back and yell: "Timmmmbbbuurrr! ! " Wow Applause: A long drawn out W-o-o-o-o-w, starting softly and low in pitch then rising higher and louder then back down.
Den yells help build den spirit and enthusiasm and can be used to help the boys let off steam at den and pack meetings.
Den yells are usually simple and rhythmic and often end on a word or phrase which the boys can shout.
Many high school and college cheers can be adapted for den yells.
When the boys help develop the den yell, they feel it is really theirs and will enjoy using it.
Boys love to yell, so do a competitive Yell to work off steam and build up the level of excitement.
Split the campfire into two halves have one side say:
There ain't no fly's on us!
There ain't no fly's on us!
There may be fly's on some of you guys,
But there ain't no fly's on us!
The other side responds with:
Give 'em straw!
Give 'em hay!
Give 'em something to stop that neigh!
Get both sides going at once and wear ear plugs!!!!!
Ba da boom, ba da bing!
Q: What does a new Webelos Scout say?
A: I can Bear no more!
Q: What happens to the patches on your shirt after washing?
A: They get all rankled.
Mother: Son, there were two pieces of pie on the shelf this morning, and now there is only one. How did this happen to be?
Son: I don't know. It must have been so dark, I did not see the other piece.
Q: What do you get when you cross a pig with a centipede?
A: Bacon and legs.
Q: Pardon me. Do you have a watermelon patch?
A: Why? Is your watermelon leaking?
Q: Why did you eat that dollar bill?
A: It was my lunch money.
A man goes to see a psychiatrist. "Doc, one minute I feel like I'm a wigwam, then I feel like I'm a Teepee. Then I feel like a wigwam again, and a moment later I'm sure I'm a Teepee. What am I going to do?" The doctor said, "Just relax son. You're two tents!"
Man crawls onstage, cries, "Water, water!" Second fellow comes running with a glass of water. First man thanks him, takes glass of water, pulls out a comb, and proceeds to comb hair.
Cub 1: Enters with pine branch and pokes Cubmaster.
CM: What are you doing?
Cub 1: I'm needling you
Cub 1: Enters with stump and sits down.
Cub 2: What are you doing?
Cub 1: I don't know, I'm stumped.
Q: What do you call a bee that can't make up it's mind?
A: A May bee.
Q: How did the firefly feel when he ran into the fan?
A: De-lighted.
Cub 1: I just saw a moth crying.
Cub 2: That's impossible.
Cub 1: Haven't you ever heard of a moth bawl?
Q: What is worse than finding a worm in an apple?
A: Finding half a worm.
Mosquito #1: Hey, I got a good one! Which sport do we mosquitoes like best?
Mosquito #2: Easy! Skin-diving.
Mosquito #2: Say, did you hear what the Cub Scout said to the mosquito.
Mosquito #1: No, what?
Mosquito #2: Don't bug me!
Mosquito #1: Are you related to any of the bugs around here?
Mosquito #2: Sure. My ant.
Mosquito #1: Did you hear what the mother grasshopper said to her children?
Mosquito #2: No, tell me.
Mosquito #1: Hop to it!
Cub #2: Say, what has 18 feet, red eyes, and long claws?
Cub #1: I don't know.
Cub #2: Neither do I, but it's crawling up your neck.
Fortune Teller: "That will be $20 for two questions."
Client: "Isn't that a lot of money for two questions?"
Fortune Teller: "Yes, it is. Now what is your second question?"
Radio Announcer: We interrupt this program for a spot announcement.
Dog (offstage): Arf! Arf! Arf!
Announcer: Thank you, Spot.
Someone walks on pulling a rope. The leader asks "What are you pulling that rope for?"
He answers, "Did you ever try to push one?"
CUB #1: The other day a girl rolled her eyes at me.
CUB #2: Really? What'd you do?
CUB #1: Well, I picked them up and rolled them right back!
Q: What animals need to be oiled?
A: Mice - they squeak
Q: When is long hair like milk?
A: When it is pasteurized (past your eyes)
Q: What can you hold without touching it?
A: Your breath

Sitting round the campfire at supper time, the Cubmaster says, "The two foods I cook best on campouts are meatloaf and apple cobbler." Timmie Tiger: "Which one is this?"
Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next door went nuts.
If a cow laughed, would milk come out her nose?
If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?
Since the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then the left-handed people are the only ones in their right mind!
Q: What two words in a dentist's office can make a toothache go away?
A: You're next.
"Doctor, that ointment you gave me makes my arm smart."
"In that case, rub some on your head!"
Q: What do termites eat for breakfast?
A: Oak meal
Q: What are sleeping trees called?
A: Slumber
Q: What do you get if you cross an elephant with a mouse?
A: Huge holes in your walls.
1st boy stands with arms like tree branches.
2nd boy walks in chewing gum. Pretends to remove gum and stick it on tree.
3rd boy walks in, leans on tree, gets gum on elbow. Pulls it off and sticks it on a bench by the tree.
4th boy walks in, sits on the bench stands up, pulls the gum off and throw it on the ground.
5th boy walks in, steps in the gum, removes it from his shoes and sticks it on the tree.
2nd boys comes in, sees his gum on the tree. Puts it in his mouth and walks off.
Two atoms were walking down the street one day, when one of them exclaimed, "Oh, no I've lost an electron!"
"Are you sure?" the other one asked.
"Yes," replied the first one, "I'm positive."
Q: Why was the free electron so sad?
A: It had nothing to be positive about!
Cub1: picks up ringing telephone, saying, “You don't say, you don't say. you don't say. ”
Cub 2: Who was that?
Cub 1: I don't know. He didn't say.
Q: What do you call it when a family of rabbits that are lined up in a straight line and take one hop backwards?
A: A receding hare line.
Man points to sky, “Is that the sun or the moon up there?”
I dunno, I'm a stranger here too.
Q: What did the baby light bulb say to the mommy light bulb?
A: "I wuv you watts and watts!"
Q: Why did the lights go out?
A: Because they liked each other!
Q: Why do transformers hum?
A: They don't know the words.
Cub 1: I've been seeing spots before my eyes
Cub 2: Have you seen a doctor?
Cub 1: No, just spots.
First Scout: What is the scariest part of the earth?
Second Scout: I don't know, what IS the scariest part of the earth?
First Scout: The atmos-FEAR.
Cub 1: How do you keep a turkey in suspense.
Cub 2: I don't know, how?
Cub 1: I'll tell you tomorrow.
Cub 1: Boy, those are loud socks!
Cub 2: I know - they keep my feet from falling asleep!
Cub 1: I understand you like to do magic tricks. What's your favorite?
Cub 2: Sawing people in half.
Cub 1: Interesting, and are there any other people in your family?
Cub 2: Yes, I have two half brothers and two half sisters.
Cub 1: (comes out looking at ground, circles around #2 looking down all the time)
Cub 2: Are you looking for something?
Cub 1: Yes
Cub 2: What is it? Maybe I can help
Cub 1: I'm looking for marbles.
Cub 2: Why are you looking for marbles? There aren't any here.
Cub 1: Well, I overheard someone say you were losing yours and I was going to help you find them..
Knock, knock
Who's there?
Goose who?
Goose who's knocking at your door
Q: What do you get when you cross a rabbit with a lawn sprinkler?
A: Hare Spray
Cub 1: Are there any athletes in your family?
Cub 2: My brother has been swimming for five years.
Cub 1: He must be pretty tired.
Here is one of my Den's favorites:
The Den calls out the line in a cadence style, and the audience repeats the lines.
Birdie, birdie in the sky!
Dropped some whitewash in my eye!
I'm no sissy, I don't cry!
I'm just glad that cows don't fly!
(This is always the song they pick to use for talent contests, too )
Cub 1: My mother does bird imitations.
Cub 2: Really? How does she do that?
Cub 1: She watches me like a hawk.
Cub 1: I bet I can jump higher than a house.
Cub 2: I bet you can't.
Cub 1: Yes I can. Did you ever see a house jump?
Boy stands and addresses pack, telling of the great solar happening of Ya-Poo-Cha. (Make up a bunch of stuff about stars/planets/earth alignment, etc.)
Each Cub comes up, one at a time, and asks "is it Ya-Poo-Cha" time yet?"
The first Scout says "Not yet young man, please wait quietly", and has them stand in a circle with him.
When the final Cub is in line, the leader says "Finally, Ya-Poo-Cha time has arrived. Are you ready ?"
Cubs answer "Yes!"
Leader - "ah-1, and ah-2, and ah-3.... (all Cubs join in)
Ya-Poo-Cha right hand in,
Ya-Poo-Cha right hand out,
Ya-Poo-Cha right hand in and
Ya shake it all about......etc, etc (You can get everyone to join in once)
Ask each Cub Scout to hold his right ear with his left hand and his nose with his right. When you call, "Change!" he grasps his left ear with his right hand and his nose with his left. Speed up the commands as the game progresses. (Trick: Always move the hand holding an ear first. then move the other hand so it ends up on the outside.)
Line up at least 6 scouts in front of pack meeting or camp fire. Leader stands behind boys and says the following: "BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! this a test , this is only a test , this a test of the emergency broadcast system , if this had been a actual emergency this is what really would have happened."
Scene: Clowns are watching one clown who's cracking a whip at a frozen chicken on the floor.
Visiting Clown: What's he doing?
Leading Clown: Practicing.
VC: Practicing what?
LC: He wants to be a lion tamer.
(VC goes over and looks at object on floor.)
VC: But that's not a lion! That's a chicken!
LC: So's he! (BLACKOUT)
(Thanks for resources from TRPW Cindy Adams, 2000 Portland Pow Wow, Northwest Suburban Council, and E. Bateman, Pacific Skyline)
Meeting Sparklers
programs that kids enjoy. A section of 15 pages is dedicated to skits, yells and applauses. ISBN 0-8395-3831-6.)
Creative Campfires (Another fine publication. Half of the book contains songs, and the rest is crammed with skits, stories, yells and tips to set up an entertaining campfire. (Sorry - no ISBN, but it
can be ordered worldwide from the BSA Supply Division)
Campfire Stories....Things That go Bump in the Night by William Forgey, M.D. Contains 21 campfire stories, with large typeface summary of each. Also includes the author's suggestions for how to be successful at telling campfire stories. ISBN 0-934802-23-8 published by ICS Books. Approximate price: US$10
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